Friday, January 6, 2012

Delightful Crepe Art Pieces

Sugar - Kosher Salt - Whole Wheat Flour

An Eggland Egg

Egg Yolk and White


2% Horizon Organic Milk

Crepe Batter

Strawberries - Navel Oranges

Strawberry Vessel

Cross-section of a Strawberry

Beauty of Sliced Reds

Ring of Orange Zest and Fruit

Blend of Sweetness

Horizon Organic Butter

Crepes Treats

With Whipped Cream

When I created the photographs of the crepe ingredients, I visually became interested in the shapes and common themes in the process. I ask for you to see the circles and geometric triangles and their patterns. Whether in plants or in humans, one can see the growth from a tiny space as that space grows larger in an uniform pattern.

Please look at the orange. Have you notice that there is a center and the growth radiates out in segments. The srawberries start with a seed-type center and growth bigger as if it is vase being molded into a larger size from a tiny triangle to larger. I ask for you today or tomorrow - please notice the shapes around you whether squares, rectangles, triangles, circles and framed shapes.

Take one shape and see whether you can condense and place another shape within a shape. One can build or collapse. Notice how strawberries and oranges can grow its fruits yet at the same condense down to a seed size and start all over again. One can see a dish; start on a couple of ingredients then in set increments; one can create a beautiful dish. At every step, one can see beauty in each individual ingredient. Create your new art piece out of delicious foods.

A tiny fact about the strawberries is about the origin. The current strawberry dominating the market is a hybrid created in Europe between a North American strawberry and a large Chilean strawberry. The modern-day strawberry is also known as the pineapple strawberry. Next time, you taste a strawberry; notice the pineapple flavour. Cut a cross-section of a pineapple and compare the two delicious fruits on their taste, texture, and growth layers. Enjoy. 

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